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Course Approval Requirements

​​​​​The following specialty courses are for practitioners who wish to perform various duties outside the scope of their standard license or registration. Some courses must be specifically reviewed and approved by the Board in advance. Others are acceptable without pre-approval as long as they​ meet their qualifying conditions. 

Specialty ​Courses Requiring Board Approval​

Download the Approved Course List below to see the specific courses that have already been approved for the following ​categories. Please contact the course provider directly for additional information. Individuals who are interested in a qualifying course that is not on the list should ask the ​course provider to contact the Board for approval.

License Refresher (Dentists and Hygienists) - Former licensees who have not practiced in at least two years must take a refresher course before being reinstated to active practice.

Local Anesthesia Refresher (Hygienists) - Dental hygienists who are registered to administer local anesthesia but have not done so within a twelve month period must take an approved refresher course in order to resume this practice. See Special Registration Privileges for complete course requirements. 

Medical Emergencies (Hygienists) - An approved medical emergencies​ class is required for dental hygienists who wish to be registered in General Supervision or Public Health. See Special Registration Privileges for complete course requirements. 

Intravenous Access Lines (Hygienists and Assistants) - Dental hygienists and registered dental assistants must take an approved course in order to place IV lines. See Special Registration Privileges for complete course requirements.​

Laser Debridement (Hygienists) - Registration in​ Laser Debridement requires completion of a Board-approved course. See Special Registration Privileges for complete course requirements.

​Specialty ​Courses Not Requiring Board Approval​

Individual courses in the following categories do not specifically require board approval. As long as the required conditions are met, the course automatically qualifies.

Coronal Polishing (Assistants) - Dental assistants must complete an eight hour course from a dental or dental hygiene school accredited​ by the ​Council on Dental Accreditation (CODA) in order to perform coronal polishing. See Dental Assistants Expanded Duties​ for complete course details. 

Local Anesthesia (Hygienists) - To be register​ed to administer local anesthesia, dental hygienists must complete a 46 hour course from a dental or dental hygiene school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA). See Special Registration Privileges for complete course requirements. 

Moderate and Deep Sedation / General Anesthesia (Dentists) - Dentists must complete a comprehensive training program and obtain a sedation permit in order to administer anything stronger than minimal sedation.​ See Sedation & Anesthesia​ for complete course requirements.

Radiographic Technique and Safety (Assistants) - Before taking X-rays, a dental assistant must complete a six hour course in dental radiography safety and four hours of instruction in dental radiographic technique. See Dental Assistants Expanded Duties​ for complete course details.